🏛️Legal Documents

Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions govern your use of our services. By accessing or using the services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

1 USDC = 1 $YOOH

To participate, you must be at least 18 years old or the legally established age of majority in your jurisdiction, whichever is greater.

It is necessary for you to be legally permitted to use online casino services in your location.

It is your responsibility to report and pay any taxes on your winnings as required by relevant laws.

Your involvement in the Games is limited to a personal, non-professional capacity and is solely for recreational and entertainment purposes.

You are participating on your own behalf and not as a representative of another person.

We cannot be held liable for any losses due to compatibility issues or internet connectivity problems, and multiplayer games cannot be interrupted once they have started.

System Requirements: To use our services, your phone must be updated to the latest version. The best compatibility with our platform is with iOS and latest Android devices.

If you are using an Android device, we recommend that you test the game in solo and free multiplayer mode before engaging in wagering. This will help ensure that the game is functioning properly on your device.

In the event of a Website malfunction all wagers are void.

If you breach any provision of these Terms and Conditions or we have a reasonable ground to suspect that you have breached them, we reserve the right to not open, to suspend, or to close your Member Account, or withhold payment of your winnings and apply such funds to any damages due by you.

When using our services, you acknowledge and accept the risk of losing any money deposited into your wallet and take full responsibility for any such losses.

The software, graphics, website and user interface provided by Pirate Squad is protected by copyright and can only be used for personal, recreational purposes, in accordance with all rules, terms, and conditions and applicable laws.

We reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time.

By using our services, you acknowledge that we reserve the right to prevent the use of prohibited techniques, such as detecting and preventing fraudulent transactions, automated sign-up, gameplay capture, and more, through methods including, but not limited to, examining device properties, detecting geo-location, analyzing transactions and IP masking, and conducting blockchain analysis.

Last updated